Saturday, June 20, 2009

911 Truth Communication to Obama: participate!

Subject: 911 Truth Communication to Obama: participate!

Hello Fellow Grassroots Organizers and Friends,
I founded a thriving and active 911 Truth chapter in my local area because I saw that I needed to join with others in demanding justice regarding the most sinister and devastating crime in our country's history and its unimaginable cover-up. I wanted, and I want action. I believe that we have in our hands, thanks to the courageous and tireless researches and exposes of such heroes among us as Steve Jones, Richard Gates, and David Ray Griffin, irrefutable evidence that insiders, and not Osama and Al Qaeda, perpetrated 9/11. We don't know all the details, because all of the evidence and testimony still demands legal verification and investigation, and some of it is still held and prevented from being seen by the government. But, we do know what we know, and that is incredibly powerful.
Accordingly, I believe that we need to try to communicate directly at this time with the new administration and the new President, to make sure that they know that such damning information exists, proving invalid and disqualifying the premeses on which their core policies, extended forward from the Bush administration, are based.. And we need to make sure they know that we, in the 911 Truth movement, possess that very evidence, demanding only to have it admitted in an unbiased legal context. If you have read my editorial, 'It's Time to Speak Truth to Power' and the attached document, 'A Declaration and Proposal to the Obama Administration', on the web site, you know that I think we might be able to thus inform President Obama and his administration of the convincing logic of our common beliefs, and of what I am convinced is the absolute certainty of our evidence.
Accordingly, I am writing to all 911 Truth grassroots organizaers and other friends in associated organizations to ask you to join with me, to sign on to my communication to the President and the administration if you find yourself in substantial agreement. I don't expect the formula I provided to be strictly followed, but instead offer it as a catalyst, a reference and framework for thought, in case political influences, from inside and outside the country should weigh on the Obama White House to frame at some point a workable response to the continuing trama and glaring contradictions of 9/11 and ensuing events. So, if you agree that it's better to speak truth to power than just to wait and watch for the rulers to "get it", please email me back with permission to add your name and perhaps your organizational affiliation as signatures along with mine on the communication to the White House I presented with my editorial. And, I'll also try to get that communication, summarizing our common views, posted around the web as an informative open letter to the administration and the people. Comments will also be appreciated.
Let's act!
James Hufferd, Ph.D.
founder, 911 Truth of Central Iowa

Tuesday, June 16 2009 - Editorials
It's Time to Speak Truth to Power

By James Hufferd, Ph.D.
Founder, 911 Truth of Central Iowa

When I was living in Brazil as an academic two decades ago, the country's powerful military, after years of running the show, cut a deal with the ascendant progressive civilian politicians giving them full latitude unimpeded within a certain sphere, but leaving other aspects of the country's affairs strictly and permanently under military control. The result was Brazil's new Constitution of 1988, which made voting a compulsory duty of citizenship. As a result, no non-progressive candidate for the presidency has gotten anywhere since. But elective civilian power is strictly limited.

It strikes me that the relationship between the constitutional government of the U.S. and its para-military security services, the tools of shadow dictators of multinational mega-business, has gotten to be strikingly similar. If my observation is correct, it would largely explain the seeming cowardice and complicit status of the whole Congress, vis-à-vis the rogue executive branch and its repeated trampling of the Constitution in recent years: Congress, including its progressives, simply knows where the line is. And Congress knows, even in advance, that the Executive, brought to heel by the shadow government's board of directors, will disdain the Constitution and public opinion in carrying out its ruthlessly enforceable "agreement" with the true sovereigns of the United States.

I am as dismayed as anyone that our new, more progressive President has not so far turned out to be a change agent in the vital sphere of civil liberties and restoring accountability through due process. But, my take is a bit different than most: I suspect that he doesn't govern as an enlightened democratic leader, responsive to the public will and constitutional mandates, because he can't. Like his recent "progressive" predecessors (maybe more than them, because he was maybe not supposed to gain the presidency), he governs with a gun to his head. Even so, he might have a scheme in mind and make a dash to put it into effect at some point. Highly intelligent JFK, like Lincoln earlier, tried a gambit (by way of disestablishing the Fed and introducing the "Greenback", respectively) to defeat the encroaching financial masters. And, apparently, both paid.

Recently, writers in this space such as Michael Hasty have speculated as to whether Mr. Obama knows essentially what we know or conclude regarding the evidence and "inside job" responsibility for 9/11. The other day, in his speech in Cairo, the President obliquely addressed that important question, expressing both wonderment and more than a tinge of impatient anger at those (presumably including us 9/11 Truthers) who have come to be characterized of late as "9/11 deniers", attempting to equate us with the hated "Holocaust deniers." How, he asked pointedly, could they (we) dispute the "undeniable fact" that Al Qaeda had carried out those monstrous deeds?

It seems to me that, if Obama was expressing his true feelings and state of knowledge concerning 9/11, it presents us an opportunity not to be missed. (Question: How could he not know what we know? Answer: It's not been one of his focuses, as it has been ours). Accordingly, we should, from our own state of knowledge regarding the evidence that informs us clearly that others, not Al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden, had to have engineered and carried out the operation, speak truth to power, address the Executive Branch and the President just as forcefully as we can, until the man's rage at "9/11 deniers" forces him to find out just how it is that anyone otherwise sane can possibly think that way. We need to drive him mad with that question, not lay low. Then, being a highly intelligent man, he will have to come to grips, like anyone else, with the actual evidence of the implausibility of the official story, the presence and undeniable meaning of the thermate, the plethora of unexplainable incongruencies, all of the powerful ground zero testimonies, and the absurdity of the confiscated and destroyed evidence, paying off of likely litigants, and deliberately thwarted court venues. And then, he'll know!

Believing that we really need to speak truth to power, rather than just complain that those with power don't serve our desires automatically, I have produced a short document summarizing our basic case, entitled "A Declaration and Proposal to the Obama Administration", which has been included in full below. I think we should, as an organization or league of organizations, submit this communication or something like it directly to the Obama administration, and also post it as widely as we can as an informative open letter. Please consider and respond to HufferdCruzeiro [at] aol [dot] com with your thoughts.



June 13, 2009
By James Hufferd

We in the 911 Truth movement would like to point out that the 9/11 attacks constitute the largest crimes in U.S. history for which no full and formal criminal investigation has ever been undertaken. As a result, large segments of the public understandably believe that the public officials in charge have placed a higher priority on concealing the truth than on the nation's need for the understanding and resolution guaranteed by our constitutional system of jurisprudence. Not surprisingly, given the seeming misfeasance imposed by a strong and heavily-conditioned reluctance to investigate on any level, polls over the years have indicated that upwards of 40 percent of all Americans, and higher proportions in the New York City area, believe that agents and operatives within the U.S. government were at least complicit in the planning and execution of the crimes.

Several troubling issues related to the criminal acts committed against the United States on September 11, 2001 still remain unresolved, and we believe that this is responsible for the fact that America is largely unrecovered, in terms of its aplomb and its agenda, to this day. Many thousands of U.S. citizens, and of our friends in numerous other countries, are active in various organizations that are part of the unconsolidated 911 Truth movement, the motivations of which – frequently mischaracterized and misunderstood – are to review the available evidence from that day and, in view of the lack of an objective official inquiry into what happened and why, to spread the word as widely as possible regarding what is objectively known. Due to the diligence of independent investigators and scholars affiliated with the movement, among whom are a number of eminent scientists and thinkers, engineers, pilots, firefighters, and former agency personnel, much is known. And, due to the circumstance that very much of the official explanation of what happened clearly "doesn't add up," a sizable portion of the public remains skeptical and distrustful of the government's response to the endlessly-cited "attacks," and thus distrustful of government actions and motivations in general.

The fact that the national media has remained in lockstep with the government by repeating the official version is particularly noteworthy. Increasingly, the scenario being sold is widely distrusted by an incredulous portion of the public due to its seeming inanity. The official story, revealed implausible by the facts, bolsters the conclusion, extremely widespread currently, that we live in a state with a controlled, less-than-free media.

And so, it follows that a good way to perpetuate the public's growing conclusion that we live in a society that is at bottom unfree and undemocratic would be to keep the lid on confiscated 9/11 evidence (such as the 85 undisclosed videotapes from and of the Pentagon taken that morning, which presumably show what happened), and to continue to shut the rest of the abundant evidence, as well as the voluminous first response testimony contradicting the official account of events, out of the regular courts that normally would have jurisdiction, as well as the news media. We believe that no display of "change" by the Obama administration will dispel the aura of distrust fostered by the official lack of openness and objectivity, and the continued withholding of evidence regarding the events of 9/11.

We would assume that you who are presently in the positions of command would also want and need to know the truth or falsity of the main supposition on which both of our current wars and other crucial aspects of our current national policy, foreign and domestic, are based. We also believe that the essential truth about 9/11 will openly emerge at some point, since there are so many initiatives currently working toward it.

Below, we will suggest a way to legitimately eliminate the distrust fostered by the official lack of information about 9/11 and determine the true source of responsibility for the egregious and unlawful acts of mass murder and destruction on that day, without unleashing a political firestorm.

As informed and concerned citizens, knowing that the explanation officially given out by the Bush administration and not yet withdrawn does not conform in any essential respect to the verifiable facts regarding those events, we implore the Obama administration not to accept at face value the inherited official version of 9/11 or its conclusions, including assignment of the authorship of the crimes. In this connection, we must not lose sight of the fact that said official version was miraculously issued full-blown, essentially in present form, without time for due inquiry or investigation, within a day or two after the events themselves. It is our studied opinion that to accept the Bush administration version would be to dismiss the conclusions of a considerable body of sound science applied in the years since, and deny the demands of justice, made by many victim families and countless others, for the sake of mere political convenience – something your administration has pointedly said it would not do.

Instead, we believe that a thorough and responsible inquiry into the causes and nature of those acts of gross criminality committed on our soil and in our skies should be officially facilitated, abetted and embraced by the Obama administration as stated below.

First, it must be noted that findings based on what we believe to be a broad spectrum of mutually supporting evidence indicate that the notorious attacks could absolutely not have been carried out, nor their disastrous apparent results achieved, without, at minimum, deliberate and significant collaboration by government insiders.

The resulting scenario of terrorist attacks that was produced in the public mind, and acted upon in what must therefore be viewed as misguided retribution, is scientifically implausible on a number of counts. In the references appended to this submission are a number of scientific implausibilities which invalidate the official story.

However, the evidence that is available, including that which remains classified, that by all indications would demonstrate what indeed happened, and the falsity of the official story before an impartial court of law, has been blocked from introduction into the legal system and the U.S. courts record by deliberate denial by express government action of any venue in U.S. courts. Furthermore, additional evidence, such as the 85 videotapes that should back up the official story of what caused the damage and deaths at the Pentagon, have been withheld and denied to investigators and the public since the day of the event. Why have they not been released to put a quick and definitive end to this controversy?

In addition, the massive bulk of the steel left from the destruction of the WTC buildings was immediately carted away to be melted down offshore. Yet, small, telling samples thereof, now in the hands of independent investigators, have been found to clearly indicate the presence of a rare substance (nanothermite) that proves conclusively that there were extraordinarily powerful set charges on the site, producing controlled demolition that reduced the massive amount of concrete in the towers to gray powder.

Other evidence, including dozens of testimonies by on-site witnesses, also indicates that controlled demolition was used. And, we know that Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda could not have had prior access to deposit and position the pyrotechnic substance found in the samples, a special grade of militarized thermite with heat-enhancing sulfur known as thermate. We know, and we think you will realize as well, that Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda had no means of bringing the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 straight down at near freefall speed, neatly into their own footprints, using two airplanes and box-cutters. Some entity accorded the necessary prior access must have done it. Airplanes and flash hydrocarbon fires don't turn concrete into powder.

There is much other physical evidence that is inconsistent with the official account, and a great many statistically improbable coincidences that would have to all coincide for the official version (a truly "outrageous conspiracy theory") to be true. One coincidence not mentioned in the official report, but discovered independently, is that two of President Bush's immediate family members served on the board of the WTC security company until shortly before the attacks, most highly improbable if by chance. Indeed, much evidence, both circumstantial and physical, points to insiders having been involved in the destruction of those three buildings, and to something other than a massive jet liner having crashed into the Pentagon.

To reiterate, the normally available venues for examining the powerful and compelling evidence have all been systematically closed off. And 97% of the surviving relatives who, among others, might very well have mounted cases invoking serious fact-finding have been bought off by the government, apparently to avoid the just consequences for hidden participants or to conceal secret projects and programs carried out on that day.

The duty of the government in this connection, in our view, goes far beyond the abundant self-justification of the routine exercise of criminal investigation and the application of due process that is our constitutional right. We believe that the federal government owes it to the American nation as a whole, having shelled out hundreds of billions of dollars and sustained an enormous mental health and blood sacrifice, in a quest for retribution, to facilitate, finally, the emergence of the truth of what happened on 9/11/01, regardless of any political exigencies. The truth may turn out to be ugly, disgraceful, and destructive of cherished myths. But, hindering the truth is dishonorable and, we believe, would eventually be denounced universally. Neither the country nor the truth belong to the leaders alone. Theirs (yours) is the high duty to serve both. Even if the Obama administration should contain persons involved in or complicit in the crimes, their sworn duty is to the country, and not to the crimes or to their concealment.

In asking the Obama administration to act to seek the truth, we are with certainty looking forward, and not back, to the achievement of justice for and deliverance from those few who still have cause to think they can act with impunity to hold this nation and the world in bondage to their illegitimate private imperatives.

Toward the end of officially sanctioning and facilitating legal inquiry into the causes and authorship of the mayhem and injury wrought to this nation in the course of the 9/11 crimes, we recommend to the Obama administration specifically the following:

  1. Facilitation of the establishment of a normally selected grand jury presided over by an impartial appointed prosecutor, to receive and process all latent or extant sworn testimony and evidence bearing on the substance and authorship of the crimes at issue.
  2. The release for review by this grand jury of any exhibits or potential evidence now in federal custody, and the promise of protection from retribution or prejudice in any form for any on-site witnesses or others with relevant knowledge or experiences bearing on the events of 9/11/01 and a call for them to step forward in the national interest to testify to the grand jury. This grand jury must be able to issue subpoenas, findings, and indictments as its proceedings may warrant.
  3. The establishment of an Office of 9/11 Resolution under the auspices of the Executive Branch, to serve as a clearinghouse for communications and the dissemination of information regarding the facts of 9/11 to the public and the Legislative Branch. The Office of 9/11 Resolution should also report the findings of the 9/11 grand jury to the public, as that grand jury authorizes. The appointment of the Director of the Office of 9/11 Resolution to fulfill its mandate should be carried out jointly by the Chief Executive or a council expressly appointed, from a list of three candidates named by the organization of 9/11 victims' families.

Thus should the impartial 9/11 official inquiry be released and separated from the normal workings and influences of the government and its officers, and justice permitted.



James Hufferd, Ph.D.
founder, 911 Truth of Central Iowa

Recommended Resources on 9/11 Topics

Peer-reviewed Scientific Articles:

Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, et al, "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," Open Chemical Physics Journal, Vol. 2 (April 3, 2009): 7-31. ( tocpj/openaccess2.htm).

Paul Zarembka, Ed. The Hidden History of 9-11-2001. Research in Political Economy, Volume 23. State University of New York. 2006. (

Websites: (top architects and engineers question official version of 9/11) (senior military, intelligence service personnel, law enforcement people, professors, scientists, survivors and family members question 9/11)


These are just the essentials, in my view, to grasp the common objections and issues at stake.

Dr. David Ray Griffin, "9/11: The Myth and the Reality" (the BEST overview / introduction)

Dr. Richard Gage, "9/11: Blueprint for Truth" (highly-credible expose of 9/11 story by a top architect)

Dr. Steven Jones, Prof. Of Physics, BYU, "9/11 Revisited: Scientific and Ethical Questions", (a competent walk-through of major remaining 9/11 questions and issues).

"9/11: Press for Truth" and "In Their Own Words", (a pair of films highlighting the struggle the 9/11 family members had with official stonewalling, denial, and indifference in trying to get a fair and thorough investigation authorized and carried out. They failed and are still trying.)


Again, a small sampling of the best, all highly-recommended for a grounding.

Dr. David Ray Griffin, Debunking 9/11 Debunking, Olive Branch Press, 2007. (a book that effectively dismantles point-by-point, both the official 9/11 conspiracy theory promulgated by the Bush administration and mainstream media and all the major objections to earlier points made by the 911 Truth movement's analysis.

Dr. David Ray Griffin, 9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press, Olive Branch Press, 2008. (effectively exposes the untruth of the official story with reference to dozens of unexplained contradictions and questions. Powerful & compelling).

Dr. David Ray Griffin, Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11, John Knox Press, 2006. (a leading theologian and 9/11 researcher presents damning evidence against U.S. agency insiders who are indicated to be the true perpetrators of the 9/11 crimes in light of
Judeo-Christian values).

Paul Thompson, The Terror Timeline, Year by Year, Day By Day, Hour by Hour, Regan Books, 2004. (a journalist sleuth's revealing compilation from reports in the press of everything that happened on 9/11, in context.

Barry Zwicker, Towers of Deception, The Media Cover-Up of 9/11, New Society Publishers, 2006. (a top journalist's rundown and analysis of the most-glaring anomalies of the 9/11 events and the media's irresponsibility in not investigating). Includes a major DVD, "The Great Conspiracy."

Scientists on Television

"Danish Scientist Niels Harrit, on Nano-thermite in the WTC Dust / English subtitles", TV2 News, Denmark, April 6, 2009 (

I'd say, basically, yes, even though the text is rather long ... scanning it, i haven't found nothing "wild", objectionable.
  • let me pre-annouce a new blog pages of Mark Graham regarding 911 and activities of our group specifically .... for now at :]

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