Monday, September 12, 2011

Arctic sea ice is melting at fastest pace in almost 40 years. Gone in next 30 years.

Arctic sea ice has melted to a level not recorded since satellite observations started in 1972 – and almost certainly not experienced for at least 8,000 years, say polar scientists.

The Northwest Passage was, again, free of ice this summer.

The German researchers said the record melt was undoubtedly because of human-induced global warming.

"The sea-ice retreat can no more be explained with the natural variability from one year to the next, caused by weather influence," said Georg Heygster, head of the Institute of Environmental Physics at Bremen.

"It seems to be clear that this is a further consequence of the man-made global warming with global consequences. Climate models show that the reduction is related to the man-made global warming, which, due to the albedo effect, is particularly pronounced in the Arctic,"

> Well if somebody wants to get that oil in Arctic, just heat it up with HAARP.

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