Monday, October 24, 2011

Semper Fi: Occupy Marines Bringing Reinforcements To #Occupy The Nation #ows Major Effort


The Constitution, Honor and Interests of the Country need to be defended and preserved. Right about Now.

This is America!
The Revolution of the Truth, and for the Truth. For a Justice, and by a Justice., is calling for “Non-Active ‘Occupy’ Military Supporters Only” and they are organizing a dress code which will help identify their branch affiliation.

So we should be seeing Marines, Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel dressed to impress at Occupy events across the country.

Their goal will be to talk sense into police officers and recruit them into supporting the cause.

Gathering of just a few US Marines has become a major organized movement to get Marines, police and all branches of military personnel to Occupy America nationwide #occupyNation #occupyMarines

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