Sunday, February 05, 2012

Muslims for 9/11 Truth: Big Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Qur'anic Look at the 9/11 False Flag


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  1. Kevin,

    How many Muslim countries would it be possible to get to vote for a 9/11 investigation in the U.N. General Assembly? Iran would of course vote for it, but how many other countries would? Why wouldn't Muslim countries be joined by non-Muslim countries who also fear imperialism, such as Bolivia, Venezuela, etc? Can you imagine such an investigation headed by Professor Richard Falk, who was recently severely criticized by U.N. General Secretary Ban-ki Moon for saying that there were unanswered questions about 9/11. Can you see an international panel of Nobel Prize-winning scientists analysing those dust samples with the iron microspheres and the nanothermite chips?


  2. Unfortunately most of the Muslim countries (and other developing countries) are ruled by neo-imperial stooges and cowards...but if their people put enough pressure on them, or if there were revolutions that brought a degree of democracy, they might come on board. I would love to see this kind of investigation.

  3. One thing is for sure: we need to build a broad-based movement on the state, national and international levels demanding such an investigation. Everyone who disbelieves the government account should be included, whatever their theory about what did happen. It appears to me that some people have lost sight of this fact.

  4. Think the Egyptian people will be able to elect a government that will really represent them that might call for a 9/11 investigation? Or do the imperialists really control the Egyptian army so that whoever becomes president will be as much or more under their control as Mubarak was? Tarpley says it was really the imperialists, not the people, who overthrew Mubarak because he was being insufficiently cooperative concerning their plan to get Sunni Muslim countries to join with Israel against Iran.

  5. I don't see how any new government in Egypt could be expected to be more cooperative with anti-Iran plans than Mubarak's was. More likely, the Zionists expect an anti-Zionist government, dominated by the Ikhwan, to emerge in Egypt--which would provide the Zionists with an excuse to start another big Mideast war.

  6. Have you listened to this Tarpley broadcast from March 1? He really fills the picture in with a lot of detail.

    If an anti-Zionist government dominated by the Ikhwan does emerge, it will be filled with British and American agent provacateurs who will work with Israel to engineer the war. But in the end, this isn't about Zionism. It's about oil.

    But the "Day of Rage" to be instigated by these Ikhwan provacateurs predicted by Lindsey Williams and others has reportedly fizzled - so far at least. But the price of oil is still rapidly going up. His prediction was that serious unrest in Saudi Arabia, perhaps even the fall of the monarchy, would drive the price of oil up to $225 a barrel, which would totally destroy what is left of the American economy.

    Have you seen this video showing that Ghadaffi is using Israeli military contractors to hire African mercenaries
    to fight anti-government forces? Israel practically is a big defense contractor; this is what they do for a living and they are good at it. Ghadaffi has squirreled away plenty of oil money over the years to hire the best.

    The imperialists will have to take control of the situation to restore order, for humanitarian reasons, of course, but incidentally to gain control over Libya's oil.


9/11 false-flag attack was perhaps the greatest lie against God ever fabricated by human beings. It was designed to be blamed on pious Muslims,

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