Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Inside False Flag Terrorism Fears After 'Mutant Strain' Of Bird Flu Created That Can Be Transmitted Between Humans.


"Probably one of the most dangerous viruses you can make"

Experiment shows that the mutation is possible not only in a lab, but also could easily happen in nature.

"The worst-case scenario here is worse than anything you can imagine," one US government advisor told the Independent.

Rotterdam's Erasmus Medical Centre announced in September it was able to create a mutant strain of H5N1 bird flu virus that could be transmitted between mammals, the Independent reports.

The H5N1 virus has a 60 percent death rate amongst humans, one of the deadliest of any flu in human history, but human-to-human transmission has remained rare under the current strain and only 350 people have died.

Can humankind make it? Probably not.

Itl disappear from the planet, caused by its aggressive sick warrior male macho capitalist nature.

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