Friday, December 30, 2011

Unprecedented mind boggling powers of scalar EMP weapons. Could wipe out all life on Earth very quickly.

chief strategy will be to destroy the highly centralized and vulnerable electric power grid
This attack will turn off the power for many months, if not a year or more

Attack will also disable ALL electronics made after 1970, meaning practically the entire machinery of the modern world.
This will plunge the stricken area or continent at least 200 years back, with massive loss of life.
Nothing will work anymore. Nothing.

The scalar weapons, aimed through an electromagnetic web called the "Woodpecker grid," can dud (or render useless) any nuclear weapon and its missile from any remote location where the scalar device is located.

There is no "delivery system" required. Point and shoot. The electronics in the weapons are fried.

Proper frequencies of EMP will interfere with human brain. Completely disabling it, or inserting new ideas, artificial feelings, selected mental states such as anguish, sleep, joy, pain.

Of course human bodies can be fried, disintegrated into molecules in a matter of a moment.

Never in all of human history has any would-be conqueror dreamed of having such powers!

Further chaos and destruction by using the weapons to trigger "natural" disasters.

Starting and steering hurricanes, controlling the weather, setting off volcanoes, setting off earthquakes.


Everything is in place. There is nothing anybody can do about it. We have reached a point of no return.
The crime of 911 is a testament of that. A first shot in a new war for control of the world.
This war will result in complete destruction of life on Earth.
It will be only natural.

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