Friday, December 30, 2011

Invasion and destruction of Afghanistan 2001-now is morally repugnant. A Crime against humanity.


"Ten years ago the U.S. and NATO invaded my country under the fake banners of women's rights, human rights, and democracy.

But after a decade, Afghanistan still remains the most uncivil, most corrupt, and most war-torn country in the world.

The consequences of the so-called war on terror has only been more bloodshed, crimes, barbarism, human rights and women's rights violations, which has doubled the miseries and sorrows of our people.

“Recent events strongly suggest that the US and its NATO allies are losing the war in Afghanistan to the Taliban: top collaborator officials are knocked off at the drop of a Taliban turban,”

“It was during Obama's administration that civilian death tolls increased by 24%,”

and 911 is controlled demolition, therefore a pretext for war inside operation. irrefutably.

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